Simple Particle System
by Daniel Shiffman
Particles are generated each cycle through draw(), fall with gravity and fade out over time. A ParticleSystem object manages a variable size (ArrayList) list of particles.
Highlighted Features
* Simple Particle System
* by Daniel Shiffman.
* Particles are generated each cycle through draw(),
* fall with gravity, and fade out over time.
* A ParticleSystem object manages a variable size (ArrayList)
* list of particles.
ParticleSystem ps;
void setup() {
size(640, 360);
ps = new ParticleSystem(new PVector(width/2, 50));
void draw() {
// A class to describe a group of Particles
// An ArrayList is used to manage the list of Particles
class ParticleSystem {
ArrayList<Particle> particles;
PVector origin;
ParticleSystem(PVector position) {
origin = position.copy();
particles = new ArrayList<Particle>();
void addParticle() {
particles.add(new Particle(origin));
void run() {
for (int i = particles.size()-1; i >= 0; i--) {
Particle p = particles.get(i);
if (p.isDead()) {
// A simple Particle class
class Particle {
PVector position;
PVector velocity;
PVector acceleration;
float lifespan;
Particle(PVector l) {
acceleration = new PVector(0, 0.05);
velocity = new PVector(random(-1, 1), random(-2, 0));
position = l.copy();
lifespan = 255.0;
void run() {
// Method to update position
void update() {
lifespan -= 1.0;
// Method to display
void display() {
stroke(255, lifespan);
fill(255, lifespan);
ellipse(position.x, position.y, 8, 8);
// Is the particle still useful?
boolean isDead() {
if (lifespan < 0.0) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
This example is for Processing 4+. If you have a previous version, use the examples included with your software. If you see any errors or have suggestions, please let us know.